Jumat, 25 Agustus 2017

MY ENGLISH JOURNAL #3 Sejarah Pramuka

Hi friends, back again in my weekly journal. In this journal I will discuss briefly about scout activities (pramuka) in Indonesia. Before that, I will tell you why I am discussing this topic. So in my school, every Friday is held scouting activities. For me the scout is very interesting and unique, so from that I will tell a short story about the scout activities in Indonesia.

The scout known in Indonesia is known as Pramuka. Developed by Lord Baden Powell as a way of fostering young people in Britain who are involved in violence and crime intimately to 21 young men by camping on Brownsea island for 8 days in 1907.The successful experience of Baden Powell before and after. In the book entitled "Scouting for Boy".Through the book "Scouting for Boy" growing scouting included in indonesia. In 1950-1960 scouting organizations to grow more and more number and variety, even scouting organization affiliated with political parties, of course it is against the basic principles and scouting Methods.The existence of scouts like this is ineffective and can not compensate for the development of the era and less useful in supporting the development of the Nation.see the current circumstances and the impetus of the scouts at that time, President Soekarno as the mandate of the MPRS on 9 March 1961 gave a mandate to the leadership of Pandu in Merdeka Palace.Therefore he said the dissolving of scouting organization in Indonesia and merged into a single scouting movement organization organization called GERAKAN PRAMUKA who is Scout with the symbol of buds of coconut.

Although Scout is filled with the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 238 of 1961, but officially Scout Movement entered the audience on August 14, 1961. Since then the date of August 14 as a Day Scout Movement Day.

Sabtu, 19 Agustus 2017

MY ENGLISH JOURNAL #2 Sejarah Singkat Indonesia

Hi all my friends, how are you? Back again in my weekly journal. A few days ago, precisely on 17 August Indonesia celebrates its independence. At this time, Indonesia is already 72 years old. As a form of gratitude, this time I will tell a short story about Indonesia. Let's start.

Republic of Indonesia abbreviated RI or Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia, which is crossed by equator line and located between continent of Asia and Australia and between Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean. Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world consisting of 17,508 islands, therefore it is also known as Nusantara (Antara Islands). The form of Indonesian government is a republic, with the House of Representatives, the Regional House of Representatives and the President elected directly. The state capital is Jakarta. Indonesia is bordered by Malaysia on the island of Borneo, with Papua New Guinea on the Island of Papua and with Timor Leste on Timor Island.

The history of Indonesia is much influenced by other nations. The archipelago has been an important trade area since at least the seventh century, when the Sriwijaya Kingdom established religious and trade relations with China and India. The Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms had grown in the early Christian centuries, followed by traders carrying Islam, as well as various European powers fighting to monopolize the trade of Maluku spices during the era of oceanic explorations. After being under Dutch colonialism, Indonesia declared its independence at the end of World War II. Furthermore, Indonesia gets various obstacles, threats and challenges from natural disaster, corruption, separatism, democratization process and period of rapid economic change.

From Sabang to Merauke, Indonesia consists of different tribes, languages ​​and religions. The Javanese are the largest and most politically dominant ethnic group. The national motto of Indonesia, "Bhinneka single ika" ("Different but still one"), means the diversity that forms the country. In addition to having a large population and extensive population, Indonesia has a natural area that supports the second largest level of biodiversity in the world. Maybe just a story about Indonesia. Thank you for reading, see you next week.

Minggu, 13 Agustus 2017



Hi, this is my weekly journal. In this journal I only introduce myself first. My name is taffi hensan, my friend used to call me taffi. I was born in cilacap 10 maret 2003. Even though i was born in cilacap i big in cirebon city.I moved to cirebon when I was 6 years old. Since then I lived in cirebon until now. In cirebon I live with my parents. Now i am high school grade 1 in santa maria cirebon.

I have many hobbies, like playing games, reading and writing. However, my favorite hobby is playing games. I often play games with my friends. I also like reading, especially reading comics. Although I like to read, I do not like to read textbooks. But I really like to read comics, many comics that I have read.My dream is to become a president. It may be a bit strange to have a dream as a president. But for me it is a gift from god. I aspire to be president because I want to change this country. Maybe now it can not, but I will keep trying to make it happen.

Sabtu, 05 Agustus 2017

Between Me and The One
by Taffy Hensan

My Lord
I Call Your Name
I Praise Your Name
With All  My Heart

I Close My Eyes, I Open My Heart
Prepare My Inner Self
I Throw Away My Arrogance
Towards True Contemplation

Before The Chaos Came Back
In This Corner, I Pray To You
With Flickering Candles, In Silence
Among The Muses

I Say All My Graditude
In A Silent Prayer
Four Eyes With The Lofty
Between Me And The One

About Me

